For a new project, I’m doing research on the shipwreck of The Wager. Here is a list of sources, which will be expanded on as the project progresses.
Byron, John, Loss of the Wager Man of War, One of Commodore Anson’s Squadron, in the year 1744, and the consequent embarrassments of the crew, etc., 1809, London,Thomas Tegg.
Byron, John, The Narrative of the Honourable John Byron: Containing an Account of the Great Distresses Suffered by Himself and His Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, from the Year 1740, Till Their Arrival in England, 1746, 1769, London, S. Baker and G. Leigh.
Grann, David, The Wager, A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder, 2023, London, Simon and Schuster UK Ltd.
Layman, C. H., The Wager Disaster: Mayhem, Mutiny and Murder in the South Seas, 2015, London, Uniform Press.
Morris, Isaac, A Narrative of the Dangers and Distresses Which Befel Isaac Morris, and Seven More of the Crew, Belonging to the Wager Store-Ship, Which Attended Commodore Anson, in His Voyage to the South Sea. 1752, Dublin, G. and A. Ewing.